3 Ways to Activate Your Dreams
What do a car crashing, a glass boat, and a green dragon tickling me have in common?
These have ALL been images that came to me through my personal dreams.
I was in Sedona and woke to a dream that 2 cars were crashing into each other. A week later I was sitting in the parking lot of the high school and saw a car crash into another car, like in my dream.
Many years ago, I fell asleep on my couch in the living room one night. I was having a lucid dream where I was half asleep and half awake, I began feeling a huge green dragon coming over the couch and tickling me as if it was wanting my attention. I did not feel scared. It was actually more curious as to how was this happening.
And just the other day a client was sharing her dream about a dog and an eagle in conversation, stars spinning and something biting her arm creating an ulcer.
All dreams are filled with associations released from the library within the unconscious mind so that you – the dreamer – can fulfill a holographic experience. We are all experiencing the wholeness of our souls. We are here to evolve our understanding of who we are and our consciousness. We live today to personally grow.
Just like dreams offering us snippets of scenes like a play on a stage, your everyday life actually follows that same lead. We are living in a hologram of consciousness.
In our everyday life, we experience every person and interaction as if it is a real one. The hologram – the symbolism of what you perceive – is meant to do that for us. Our soul has chosen this earthly experience to have the real experience of emotions, feelings, understanding, thoughts, etc. Dreams help us make sense of this holographic experience.
The phrase, “You are exactly where you are meant to be.” supports the holographic experience of this lifetime of consciousness for your soul and your personal development.
I bet this sounds a bit heavy-duty. I completely get it.
Let’s think of it another way.
Have you ever had a situation you needed some guidance to solve? Were you ever wondering about the personal relevance of an experience?
If your answer is yes to either question, the next question would be -
Would you like to bring your dreams to life?
I am not speaking to those wishes and goals you desire to achieve. I am speaking to the pulse that lives within the very heartbeat of the nightly dream world. It is an adventure all on its own. There is magic that comes with the experience of bringing what we dream about into our everyday life experiences.
Dreams often bring to our attention absurdities and unusual fare through strange characters or bizarre happenings. Sometimes people we know are brought to life and may even say things they would never say. These very individual nuisances are quite literally helpful for you and have a powerful meaning.
Dreams are a guidepost in many ways. They expand our understanding of what it means to live through a spirituality of higher knowledge. Dream language can help us sort out the chaos of our daily lives or past event to secure emotional agency. Dreams have incredible healing power.
Every night you enter into a liminal space between waking and deep sleep. In this land of anything is possible, your dream language bypasses the ego of limitation and creates an expanded reality of possibility. The characters, the events, the objects, the symbols, and the mythical absurdities are activated from the unconscious into your consciousness in order to guide you in your personal development.
There are 3 ways to bring dreams to life:
· Let Go
Dreams are made up of symbolism, the dynamics of myths, and metaphors. Even though they seem real because the characters are people you know, things you recognize, and even feel like real moments and conversations, they are not. The first way to bring that dream into your life is to let go of what you think and believe about the dream itself. Everything has a symbolic essence to it and holds significant value as a representation of you. Ask questions like, “Who is here? What do you need? What do you want me to know? What am I not seeing? What does this mean for me?”
Let go and allow the response, the wisdom, and the insight to be revealed to you. It will be shown to you. This is a powerful guidance tool for your personal life journey and especially during moments of transition and transformation.
· Be Adventurous
There is not only one meaning to each dream. Imagine you are playing craps at a casino, rolling all the different options as to the multiple meanings the dream holds. Leap into creativity and get very colorful about all the possibilities, even the funny, hilarious, far-reaching meanings. Include them.
· Connect
From all the interpretations you allowed from the dream, what resonates? This is the part where you align with your external everyday life experiences and see what makes sense. Your brain has the strength in making sense of and contemplating evidence for reasoning, so use its foundational mechanism to interpret what the dream means for you in the very moment of your life. This is how we use our dreams as a personal GPS.
Please do not get frustrated if interpretations do not flow in immediately. We have not been conditioned to use our intuition or instinct in this way. We, as a human species, have been programmed to look externally for interpretation. This very inverted method requires faith in the faculties of your own existence. Dreamwork is an existential association from dream life to waking life.
Check out my work with dreams for individual interpretations and 1:1 coaching at www.kristipeck.com for deeper meaning with your dreams.